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One of the things that I have found very difficult since the accident is discussing it without talking in clichés! The problem is - so any of them are true! I really do feel like I have had a second chance at life and fully intent to make the most of it.

I feel very fortunate to have made such a good recovery and want to take every chance that is now afforded me. I love my work as a teacher and am as ambitious and keen to succeed as ever. There is not a day goes by where one of the children in my class does not make me laugh and, I hope, not a day without them laughing out load too!

The chance to shape the lives of others is an honour bestowed on few and it is one that I hope to look back on in many years with a sense of pride - pride in my work and pride in the children entrusted to my care.

It was with this in mind that I returned to work ahead of schedule in September 2005 as a supply teacher in the Cardiff and Caerphilly area. I decided to return to supply so that I could ‘look around’ at some of the schools in the area to be sure of choosing a school that was right for me as well as for them. A school that could match my ambition and work ethic. It is with great pleasure that, since January, I find myself working at Bryncethin Primary School in Bridgend until July of this year. I would like to thank the staff at Bryncethin for making me feel so welcome and at home.

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5th September, 2006

The funds are slowly coming in and the balance is creeping up. Still a long way to go to reach the £10,000 target. Please encourage all of your friends, family, neighbours and their friends to support a very worthwhile cause. Don't all the peiple of South Wales deserve the cutting edge technology a 3D scanner would give?


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